Once the interview has been scheduled, the interviewers receive an email with the details of the interview.
The ‘Review the Candidate’ button in the email notification redirects the interviewer to the ‘Interview Kit’ for the candidate.
The Interview Kit for the candidate has a link to the candidate’s Interview scorecard, Job details and the Resume. The right side panel of the ‘Interview Kit’ link also allows the interviewer to download the previous interview scorecard, in addition to allowing the user to view the candidate’s profile or resume.
The Interview Scorecard is where the interviewer rates the candidate and enters notes against each of the competencies to be assessed.
The interviewer can also add attachments while submitting their interview feedback. This is especially useful for documenting whiteboard exercises, code samples etc collected from the candidate during the interview.
The Interviewer also needs to submit an overall recommendation (Hire/Hire/No Hire/Fit for another Job/On Hold) and select ‘Submit Scorecard’ to be able to submit their feedback for the interview.
The Interviews tab in the Candidate Profile shows the details of the interviews scheduled, including the date/time of the interview, name of the interviewers, who it was scheduled by and the status of the interview.
The status of the interview will appear as ‘Pending’ if the feedback is pending from the interviewer.
In case of ‘Pending’ status which means the interviewer hasn’t yet entered the interview feedback, the user has an option to send a reminder email to the interviewer by clicking on ‘Send reminder’ against the interviewer name.
The reminder email sent to the interviewer will have the details of the candidate and interview, with a ‘Review the Candidate’ button that takes the user to the candidate’s Interview Scorecard.