The Candidate Portal enhances the candidate experience by making the application process easier and paperless, in addition to helping them track and manage their applications and their private data from a central dashboard.

This portal allows candidates to create their profiles on the company’s career page. The portal helps them with:

  • applying to jobs
  • tracking their applications along with the associated status(es)
  • give an overview of the events associated with these statuses, such as interview schedules
  • document and form management
  • corresponding with the recruiter(s) of the job(s)

When you click on candidate Sign up option, you get the Sign-up page to fill up details like your First name, your Last name, your Email id and Password. Fill up the details and click on Signup. 


You will get a window where it will be mentioned: " Please verify your email". This means you will receive an email along with a verification link to your email id the one you have used to register. 


Go to your inbox, open the email and click on "Verify Email" or the verification link.

Once verified, it will tell you Profile Verified and you can proceed to login.

Once logged in, the portal has the following two sections:

My ApplicationsThis page allows the candidate to view and keep track of all the applications submitted by them. If you wish to withdraw any application also you can.

Clicking on the Withdraw Application button opens up a prompt asking the candidate if they’re sure about withdrawing their application. The candidate can choose between Cancel and Withdraw. Withdraw marks the candidate status as withdrawn against the job.  It also moved the application to the Past Applications tab and shows Application Withdrawn against Application Status.

Selecting Cancel cancels the Withdraw Application request.

Past Applications:

This section lists all the past applications of the candidate with the organization.  The number against Active Applications denotes the total number of past applications the candidate has.

Information is listed job-wise on this page. Each of the applications has the job title, the job ID listed, along with a ‘View Job Description’ hyperlink (which opens the job description in a new window) listed below.

Application Status:  This field on the right-hand side denotes the status of the application. It also lists the Application code which maps to the application and can help track the status.

JobsThis section gives a logged in view of the jobs listed on the career page of the organization and apply by filling up the application.

Hiring Events: This section will show you the Hiring events (if any) associated with Jobs.

NOTE: The above options are available to candidates only if the company has the candidate portal activated. If not, then the candidates will not have to Sign- up/log in. They can directly apply for jobs. However, they will not have any option to track the applications that they have applied for or an option to withdraw the application as well.